Chromatic Journeys

Oil painting exhibition “Chromatic Journeys” will be on show at Mencendroff House, Riga 

From 1st August till the end of September, the oil painting exhibition “Chromatic Journeys: in search of my colours ” by Dana Hasana will be open  at Mencendroff House Museum in Riga, Grecinieku Str. 18.


Dana Hasana is a relatively recent convert to oil painting, although painting has been her passion for a long time.

“Chromatic Journeys” presenting a selection of oil paintings that turn vibrancy of colours into chromatic reflections on canvas. The oil brushstrokes are the most vivid impressions of travels in Venice, Tenerife, Italy and here in Latvia, full of sunshine and colour. Nature and the city, colourful flowers and exotic animals, joy and curiosity merge there.

“Ever since I was a little girl, I have always drawn and sketched. Cards for loved ones, paintings on wooden boards with gouache or watercolouring while sitting on the big stones on the bank of river Venta at my hometown. It was a dream of mine to learn oil painting, because at school we mainly painted with watercolours”, recalls the author.

Dana believes that this dream has come true thanks to the people she met at the right time, and now she is ready to share this with others.

“First of all, I would like to thank the painter and my first teacher  Karina Rungenfelde, a finely nuanced person, who encouraged me to go step by step and  enjoy the process, not be afraid of mistakes, because in oil painting you can’t spoil anything – there is always a next layer!  For a short while I also had the honour of studying with Ilgvars Zalāns, an expressionist in soul and on canvas. They have influenced my search for my colour and form, encouraging me to tell my own colourful stories, which I am now sharing at this exhibition”, reveals Dana Hasana.