The museum collection is open to the public
We are pleased to announce that the Museum’s collection is now open and accessible to everyone. A prior appointment is required, either by filling out the form or by contacting the Collection Manager, Guntis Gailums, at Digital images of items from the collection can also be ordered remotely. The use of collection items is subject to the price list established by the Cabinet of Ministers.
The Museum’s collection currently includes almost 70,000 items—glass plates, film negatives, slides, and photographs, as well as cameras, equipment, albums, postcards, and objects used by photographers. The collection is organized into several sub-collections, the largest of which is the Strenči Photographic Workshop collection, included in the Latvian National Register of the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme.
Visiting the museum offers the opportunity to conduct research in the public space, using the collection, library, and archives. The special library holds around 7,000 books, periodicals, catalogues, and other materials, while the archive contains information on photographers, studies, and research.